
Hi world,  It’s been a while. A very tough and all-destroying while that is… but I will get into that some other time because today is the first day in months that I’ve had the strength to sit down and write some of my thoughts down.  I’ve had more energy lately and I don’t take …

That’s What They Tell Me

Hi world, Today I'm gonna share something I wrote when my depression basically peaked. It was on a very bad day and I was drowning in so many feelings so I just felt like I needed to get all of it off my chest. I have been going back and forward if I should share …

Back On Track

Finally, I'm back on the blog with an honest post about what what I have been dealing with the last couple of months... Give it a read, and let me know what you think! Nothing but love, Maria


Hi world, It's me again. Finally. I would like to say that there is a good reason for my absence, but there really isn't. Sure, there has been a lot of changes in my life lately, but it shouldn't have been an excuse at all. I love blogging... Yet, somehow I managed to neglect it, …